In this message, we see Jesus' clarification of the second commandment, and why these central commands make clear to us our understanding of the Law, and how it should convict…
In this passage, we see Jesus discuss the greatest commandment with the Pharisees, and make clear that God is only to be central to the believer's life in every respect,…
In this message, we see Jesus' response and statements to the Sadducees, and His revelation on the nature of resurrection and God's power through it.
In this message, we begin looking at Jesus' confrontation with the Sudducees, and deals with their misconceptions about death and resurrection. Jesus reveals to us the nature of the resurrection,…
For Resurrection Sunday 2024, we look at Peter's words to the churches on the nature of the resurrection of Jesus. The joy of the Gospel and the saints throughout life…
In this message, we look again at the nature of every believer's responsibility to give to civil authorities and governments what God determines is their just due. This "dual-citizenship" mentality…
In this message, we see Jesus' discussion with the Pharisees who seek to depose and destroy Him, specifically by trapping Him with questions. Jesus demonstrates His clear omniscience and power…
In this message, we look at the nature and purpose of God's election and what it means to the believer when Jesus makes statements such as "few are chosen." This…
In this message, we look at the summary verse for the parable of the Wedding Feast, which tells us that God selects some and not others to be part of…
In this passage, we see the unusual section of the parable of Jesus, wherein we see the outcome of the man without a wedding garment. While views on this differ,…
In this section of Jesus' parable, we see his analogy of how the Kingdom of Heaven is filled with the unexpected, unworthy guests by means of the grace of the…
In this message, we look at the last of these parables of Christ in which He makes clear the nature of sin and rebellion against His Law. The seriousness of…
We finish up looking at deacons and elders in this message.
In this message, we look at the biblical understanding of deacons. A often misunderstood concept in modern churches, these elected men serve specific tasks within the church to build up…
In this message, we look at the final requirements and purposes of elders as found in the New Testament, as well as some of the more unusual passages that deal…
In this message, we look at a number of procedures and principles outlined for elders of a church, in regards to sin issues, authority issues, and how they are to…
In this passage, we look at the final traits listed in 1st Timothy as necessary for eldership within a church. Certain things needed include a healthy and ordered family, and…
In this message, we continue looking at the necessary qualifications for eldership within a church, particularly the dire need for teaching, instructing, and temperate behavior.
In this passage, we look at 1st Timothy 3, and study thoroughly some of the qualifications and necessary attributes needed for the shepherds of God's flock.
This message is the beginning of a series on the subject of church roles and polity. The purposes, tasks, and qualifications of elders, deacons, and members is critical to the…
In this passage, we look at the final statements made by Christ towards the Pharisees, where He makes it clear that He will be unmoved by human hostility and aggression.…
In this message, we look at Jesus' statements of condemnation against those who reject Christ and depart from the truth of His Word. Such people cannot be saved, or given…
In this passage, we see Jesus' description of why He upends the world's wisdom and becomes the chief Cornerstone.
In this message, we look at the second section of Jesus' response to the Pharisees arrogance; the parable of the evil tenets. Those whom God charges with the care of…
In this message, we see Jesus explain why it is necessary that believers emulate the behavior of the first son in this parable, instead of the second. The rebellious, but…
In this message, we see Jesus' parable on the difference between rebellion, and hypocrisy. Jesus makes clear that those who rebel against Christ, repent, and seek obedience, are indeed separate…
In this passage, we see Jesus challenged for His authority. He demonstrates the truth of authority and divinity to a people who reject and rebel against Him.
In this message, we see Jesus' instruction on the importance and sincerity of prayer. He makes it clear that prayer is indeed answered by God for believers in Christ. The…
In this passage, we see the unusual and highly controversial passage of Jesus' curse of this fig tree. Why did Jesus curse this tree? What end does it accomplish? We…
In this passage, we see Jesus affirm the praise of the lowest and most unexpected places. He makes clear that His glory and His praise is the purpose of the…
In this message, we look at why Jesus' zeal for the house of the Lord is so passionate and necessary. This is something we need to learn from, and apply,…
In this message, we look at Jesus' entry into the temple, and His controversial actions of destroying the temple commerce and trading. It is critical we realize this is done…
In this section, we look at the response of the crowd to Jesus and His approach, and their worship of the King of Kings.
In this passage, we look at Matthew's use of the actions and motivations of disciples, who follow Jesus' commands even when perceived as unusual or wrong.
In this passage, we look at the beginning of the final section of Matthew, where Christ approaches Jerusalem for the final time to suffer and die on the cross for…
In this passage, we see Jesus heal two blind men who beg for help with their eyesight. This story shows us the mercy and grace of Christ even as He…
In this passage, Jesus rebukes the disciples and those who would appeal to their personal pride, station, prestige, and respect in the church. There is no place for a disciple…
In this message, we look at the ambitions of James and John, and their attempts to claim greater status and glory in the Kingdom of Heaven. Unfortunately they both approach…
In this passage, Jesus reminds His disciples of His central purpose and mission; to die on the cross for the sins of many.
In this message, we look at several detail in the Parable of the Vineyard Workers that reveal to us our God's grace and lovingkindness to all people within His Kingdom,…
In this passage, Jesus continues the discussion on what reward looks like for the Christian, and how He is ultimately King and sovereign over anything we receive in this life…
In this section, Peter responds to Jesus and asks about the eternal reward of the disciples. Jesus makes it clear that while God chooses to graciously reward the sinful and…
In this passage, we consider the failure of man's own self-righteousness. The disciples realize the inability for man to save himself, and their incredible need for a Savior.
In this passage, Jesus convicts this man by means of his own conscience and his greed. This forces us to realize the nature of human depravity, and the seriousness of…
In this passage, we see Jesus teach the disciples the nature of dependence that is like a child. We must reflect the meekness and dependence of children if we are…
In this unique passage, Jesus informs the disciples that while there are good reasons to pursue being single and without marital attachments, this will not be something everything can sustain.…
In this message, we look at Jesus' very serious and yet powerful statement on this most difficult issue; the issue of divorce. A common practice during His day, Jesus makes…
In this message, we look at the Pharisees and Jesus discussing divorce. Jesus makes it clear that God has only had one right intention for marriage from the beginning, and…
In this message, we study the final half of the parable of Jesus, where He makes it clear that forgiveness and grace towards sinners is a must for the Christian.…
In this passage, we see Jesus make a chilling and important statement; God does not forgive the unforgiving disciple. Forgiveness, grace, and patience with fellow sinners is a non-negotiable for…
In this message, we see the Lord's affirmation of the church, and His call for us to pray continually and with humility for His people. The call to pray is…
In this section, we look at Jesus' statement that God invests heavenly authority in His local church. This is seen in it's context and translation as a passage that deals…
Our Easter Sunday message on the nature and necessity of the resurrection of Christ.
In this passage, we see the final step of church discipline, the practice of carefully exhorting believers in the faith to repentance and turning from sin. This is a process…
In this passage, we view the first of the three steps of church discipline, involving the personal relationship broken between brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus makes clear the seriousness…
In this passage, we see the imperative nature of church discipline and it's objective standard for the church. It is important that it be used rightly, and this case, that…
In this message, Pastor Jeremy Cummings preaches on the book of Amos.
In this message, we look at the importance and purpose of church membership. With a clear structure and purpose behind joining a church, it empowers and enables a healthy body…
In this message, we look at the importance and purpose of church membership. With a clear structure and purpose behind joining a church, it empowers and enables a healthy body…
In this message, we look at the general message of Paul concerning spiritual gifts, the use of love, and order in the church. All of these come together to make…
Today we begin a study on the nature and purpose of the church as a whole, and why it applies to the local community church as well as the larger…
Today we look at the famous parable of the wandering sheep, that a shepherd will go to any cost to recover. This passage illustrates the love and extreme care that…
In this message, we look at Jesus' single command as described in verse 10, where the treatment of disciples to other disciples is paramount to Christ. Within the church, the…
In this passage, we see Jesus' radical statement on the nature and danger of sin. If we do not act seriously in terms of sin and depravity, it will overtake…
In this passage, we see Jesus make the statement that sin and failure is a necessary part of the church and life; but it still bears terrible consequences.
In this message, we look at the iconic passage where Jesus warns of dire consequences for those who attack the "little ones" of Christ. Jesus values His disciples dearly and…
In this message, we look at Jesus' statement on how disciples should receive the "child." The nature of the child, and therefore the reception of the child, are critical to…
In this passage, Jesus addresses the pride of the disciples by pointing out the humility and understanding of a child. Just as a child understands the authority of a parent,…
In this message, we see the angel's statements and narrative on the Person and work of Christ, and preemptively tells us of His majesty and power.
In this passage, we look at the visitation of the angel to Mary, and the general despair that enveloped mankind previous to the angel's announcement. The hope of Christ is…
In this message, we see Jesus' confrontation with the temple tax and it's collectors, where Jesus has the ability to dispute the rightness of His taxation, but chooses to pay…
In this passage, we will look at Jesus' statement of His death and resurrection. The disciples struggle understanding their need for this, which demonstrates a failure to understand the Gospel.
In this section, we continue the discussion on Jesus' healing of the demoniac boy, and the multiple seeming endings found across the Gospels on this event.
In this passage, we see Jesus refer to John the Baptist as the prophesied Elijah, and lay to rest claims against His Godhood as a result.
In this message, we look at the Father's statement about the Son and His command to us about Him. The importance of the Trinity at work throughout this passage is…
We look at the second part of Jesus' transfiguration before His disciples.
In this message, we begin a section of Scripture that describes the glory of Jesus Christ.
In this message, we look at two statements made by Jesus at the end of this chapter, where eternal reward and Kingdom purpose are made clear. This confusing passage is…
In this message, we look at Christ's paradox: in order to live, you must die. If you put your life as first, you will die last. Jesus makes clear that…
In this message, we look at the nature of following Christ. The actions, and words, and the nature of Christ are all things we must consider and emulate if we…
In this message, we look at the principle of bearing a "cross" as a disciple of Christ. It is a required aspect of discipleship that we imitate Jesus by bearing…
In this message, we look at the first of Jesus' commands to discipleship; the denial of the self, that inherent part of humanity that seek its own interests and desires…
n this message, we look at the need and reason for discipleship as seen throughout Scripture. This is something that is necessary for every believer.
In this message, we look at the verse that deals most directly with discipleship in all of Matthew. Jesus gives three specific instructions to disciples as to how they are…
In this section, we see Peter's dialogue with Jesus as He rebukes and disagrees with the plan of God. Peter's arrogance is displayed here, but the general disposition of humanity…
In this passage, we see Jesus' description of Peter. This passage is commonly misused by the Roman Catholic church and their doctrinal positions, but a careful understanding of it shows…
In this message, we look at Peter's confession that Jesus is the Son of God. This supernatural revelation given to a disciple shows us the grace of God in saving…
In this message, Jeremy Cummings finishes up Psalm 23.
Guest message from our visiting pastor, Jeremy Cummings.
Guest message from visiting preacher Jeremy Cummings
In this section, Jesus addresses the false doctrines and influences of the Jewish legalism of His day, where the disciples misunderstand. Jesus explains to them the evils of their influence…
In this passage, we look at Jesus' second response to the Pharisees and their requests for signs from heaven. Their continued disbelief in Christ is met with His reminder that…
In this passage, we see Jesus' work throughout His broader ministry in Galilee, and specifically His repeated miracle of feeding massive crowds. This highlights again for us the mercy and…
In this passage, we see Jesus deal with the Canaanite woman. Alex argues for an unusual interpretation of a well known event in the Gospels.
In this message, we see Jesus respond to the offense of the Pharisees. He makes clear that while the offense of the Word of God is a real and powerful…
In this passage, we look at Christ's statement about the nature and heart of man, and how his words reflect what is in him. This is opposed to the ideology…
In this passage, we see Jesus deal with the entrenched traditions of man and legalism, and how He combats this false thinking with Scripture itself. Jesus demonstrates that not only…
In this passage, we look at Jesus and His family and friends who respond to Him in Nazareth. The tragic consequences of rejecting Christ are made very clear and personal…