In this message, we look at the ambitions of James and John, and their attempts to claim greater status and glory in the Kingdom of Heaven. Unfortunately they both approach…
In this message, we look at Jesus' single command as described in verse 10, where the treatment of disciples to other disciples is paramount to Christ. Within the church, the…
In this message, we look at the iconic passage where Jesus warns of dire consequences for those who attack the "little ones" of Christ. Jesus values His disciples dearly and…
In this message, we look at Christ's paradox: in order to live, you must die. If you put your life as first, you will die last. Jesus makes clear that…
In this message, we look at the nature of following Christ. The actions, and words, and the nature of Christ are all things we must consider and emulate if we…
In this message, we look at the principle of bearing a "cross" as a disciple of Christ. It is a required aspect of discipleship that we imitate Jesus by bearing…
In this message, we look at the first of Jesus' commands to discipleship; the denial of the self, that inherent part of humanity that seek its own interests and desires…
n this message, we look at the need and reason for discipleship as seen throughout Scripture. This is something that is necessary for every believer.
In this message, we look at the verse that deals most directly with discipleship in all of Matthew. Jesus gives three specific instructions to disciples as to how they are…
In this passage, we see Jesus' description of Peter. This passage is commonly misused by the Roman Catholic church and their doctrinal positions, but a careful understanding of it shows…
In this passage, we see Jesus state a final parable to His disciples, and describe them as scribes instead of lowly fisherman. This status and responsibility is something given to…
In this message we look at God's use of unrighteous people, who are made righteous by Christ, and then rewarded graciously by God for being part of the Kingdom.
We can be confident and encouraged to know Jesus identifies with our word and mission.
In this passage, we see Jesus tell us how to live, by dying. Without the death that sacrifice, self-denial and service to the Kingdom of God brings, we will not…
In this passage, we see Christ require self-denial and self sacrifice from His disciples. These are core traits of the Christian life that we have to model, as our Savior…
Jesus comes specifically to bring division and destruction, before He institutes peace.
If we understand God’s complete control over all life, will have no fear of the world.
Even though we will face persecution and suffering for the sake of the Gospel, Jesus tells us to have no fear! He commands us and states that no matter what…
In this message, Christ explains the nature of the teacher/disciple relationship, but instead, flips it to show His own level of persecution compared to ours. This is something we must…
In this passage, Christ continues His warnings against those who will attack us for the sake of the Gospel. Even family and friends are not above silencing the message of…
In this message, Jesus reminds the disciples not to be concerned about outward troubles and trials that come from faithfully preaching the Gospel.
In this message, we begin a new paragraph and observe some warnings Jesus informs us about the world and it's aggression against the Gospel. We can prepare to be hated…
In this section, Jesus instructs the disciples with some very pragmatic and necessary commands for how to function as traveling missionaries. While their context is specific to their time and…
Here we see the work of Christ as He begins the process of electing and then sending the disciples. Join us as we look at the nature of the disciples,…
Here we see the ultimate story and calling of discipleship. The story of Matthew's calling by Jesus is the most inverse expectation in this context. Of all possible people Christ…
In this message, we look at the cost of discipleship, which is something Jesus requires of all disciples, both then, and now. We see two examples of men eager to…
In this passage, we look at Jesus' commands about obeying Him as opposed to listening. While listening, hearing, and studying is important, it is nothing without personal submission to His…
Bible Text: Matthew 6:19-21 | Preacher: Alex Reese | Series: Sermon on the Mount | In this message, we look at a new section, in which Christ makes it clear…
Bible Text: Matthew 4:18-22 | Preacher: Alex Reese | Series: Matthew | To Christ, discipleship is a serious, all-encompassing calling, one that requires our full obedience and willingness to serve…